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CAGI admin | 23.8.2013 | Všechny zprávy

S velmi zajímavou nabídkou nejen pro studenty geoinformatiky přišel magazín Directions Magazine:


We would like to make you and your students aware of a free eBook entitled "GIS Jobs, GISP Certification and Geospatial Careers." The eBook was compiled from past articles published by Directions Magazine. The contents of the book include:

  • Prepare to Get That Job: 20 Challenging GIS Interview Questions
  • Ten Things to Know about the Geospatial Technology Competency Model
  • New Resources for GIS Job Seekers
  • Geospatial Occupations Q&A – Part One
  • Geospatial Occupations Q&A – Part Two
  • Should You Get "GIS Certified"
  • Revisiting the Path to GISP: Is it Time to Add an Examination?
  • The Great Debate: To Certify or not to Certify, That Is an Absurd Question
  • The Top 10 Things You Should Know about GIS Certification
  • Do You Qualify for a GISP?
  • Ethical Insights
  • Q&A: Directions Magazine’s Special Session on GIS Certification with David DiBiase, former GISCI President, and Sheila Wilson, GISCI Executive Director

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